Overview You have an automated report that runs daily, but you've noticed that you have not received the report in several consecutive days and you would like to know why. Information Automated report...
Overview An agent reports that outbound calls are not working and you would like to know the reason why and how to resolve the issue. Prerequisites Check your FMB logs for The operation has timed out ...
Overview You are trying to use the observe function in Smart Station and are unable to use it to observe an agent. You may receive an error stating Observe is no longer available for the rest of this ...
Overview You are not receiving emails for Standard Reports (User Sessions Daily Summary Report) subscriptions. You have already added the users' email addresses to the subscription list for the report...
Overview You're trying to access a third-party provider (like Clearvoice), and it's not accepting connections based on the pin you entered. Solution The pin might be rejected by the third-party provi...
Overview You are an Administrator for your Volt Delta installation and need to create a new FMB account for one of your Agents. You would like to know how to create a new FMB account for this user. Pr...
Overview The Management Dashboard in OMP currently uses Microsoft Silverlight. Microsoft Silverlight has reached its End of Life on October 12, 2021. As such, you may wish to know if an alternative wi...
Overview You need to reset the password for a user's FMB account and you need to know how. You may need to reset the password for a group or team of users and you want to know if this can be done in b...
Overview When agents leave their machine for an extended period of time (eg. Lunch), the agent is removed from the dashboard even though they did not change their status or disconnect from Volt Delta ...
Overview When trying to add or delete a user in the Oasis Management Portal (OMP), you are getting a Your Subscription has the maximum amount of storage available error as shown below: Solution Th...