When adding a second device to a resident through Dynamics CRM on SmartStation an error dialog is saying:
Cannot create duplicate record
Clicking OK the device still gets created, and the operator can continue as normal.
When the error is exported a similar line is found:
<Message>Duplicate Record Found for Entity: 10104</Message>
You would like to know the root cause of this error (what this Entity Type refers to).
Contact our Support Team so they can query for you the Entity Type from the Telecare database.
CRM Dynamics by design is a flexible system allowing the storage of additional data. The users might not have access to the database in order to "decrypt" to which database object does the mentioned Entity type (eg: 10104) refer.
The "Cannot create duplicate record" error is caused when a duplicate record is attempted to be inserted in a table that does not allow it.
Run the following SQL query on the TelecareAppello_MSCRM database:
select [name] from Entity where ObjectTypeCode = <the entity ID>;
Eg, for this particular Entity 10104 the SQL query statement would be:
select [name] from Entity where ObjectTypeCode = 10104;
It should return the name of the database table on which the duplicate record insert was attempted. In this particular case, it was the vdi_nn_vdi_resident_vdi_device table that is used for storing the N:N relationship between the device and resident.
Share with the customer the name of the Entity returned by this SQL query
Priyanka Bhotika