The latest Auto Test Fails reports from the Telecare Dynamics CRM365 have been empty, but this report has always returned data in the past.
This can be caused when the Scheme Characteristic Value with the Name Yes is changed to have a value of No. To verify this, please check the Scheme Characteristic Values on the Auto Test Fail report by doing the following:
- Log into the Oasis Management Portal on Microsoft Dynamics CRM365
- Click on the Advanced Find Icon
in the top toolbar to open the Advanced Find window.
- In the Look For: dropdown, select Scheme Characteristic Values.
- Move your mouse cursor over the Select link and select Scheme Characteristic in the dropdown displayed.
- Move your mouse cursor over the Enter Text link and enter Auto Test in the text box displayed.
- Click on the Results button.
There should be both a Yes and No Scheme Characteristic Value, if there isn't a Yes Scheme Characteristic Value then you will need to do one of the following:
- If there is only a single No value, you will need to create a new Yes Scheme Characteristic Value.
- If there are two No values, you will need to check the Audit History of both Scheme Characteristic Values to determine which one was changed from Yes to No and change it back to Yes.
For Support Agents Only:
If the customer raises this as an issue with Volt Delta UK support you can verify the issue by doing the same steps mentioned above or you can run the following SQL query on the TelecareAppello_MSCRM Database found on the Appello Application Management Servers by running:
select distinct vdi_vdi_scheme_to_resolutionid,* from vdi_schemecharacteristicresolution where vdi_vdi_schemecharacteristic_to_residname = 'Auto Test' and vdi_vdi_schemecharacvalue_to_resoluidname = 'Yes'
The above query should return a result, if it does not return a result, this indicates that the Yes Scheme Characteristic Value was deleted or changed and needs to be corrected by the customer.
Once there is a proper Yes and No Scheme Characteristic Value for the Auto Test Scheme Characteristic, the Auto Test Fails report should run correctly.
Priyanka Bhotika