Overview You would like to generate a report using Call End Code (Agent) or Call End Reason (Agent) which are stored in the Call Records table of Oasis. You have tried to retrieve this data from the U...
Overview You may have noticed that a call's start time appears to be later than the call's end time. Information This may happen in case the call is in progress during a daylight savings time change. ...
Overview When reviewing users in the Dashboard you see users with Resting Time that exceeds the Resting Period that you have configured on the queue. This occurs even with Auto Ready and Auto Ready (...
Overview You may notice that agents are getting a Failed to connect to switch error when trying to log into FMB. ‘Manual Password reset’ seems to solve the issue. Information This may happen when an a...
Overview You have a Volt Delta UK user account that you would like to delete because the user is no longer with your company or the old account is being replaced with a new account. You would like to ...
Overview The call data from your phone provider isn't matching those from the Oasis_UMIS database report, for the same calls. This could manifest as duplicate call records or as a call detail record m...
Overview You want to connect FMB with Oracle Webchats and AAQ routing through Volt. Solution Please Create a Volt Delta UK support ticket and for each new service that you are trying to enable, provid...
Overview This article explains what to do when you log in to FMB successfully but keep getting logged out repeatedly in a random fashion. When you check your user workstation FMB logs, you see a messa...
Overview You may notice that FMB application software is not loading for a user with an Application cannot be started error when trying to connect to FMB. Solution There are two common reasons for suc...
Overview You have an automated report that is scheduled for daily delivery (eg: Auto Test reports, Daily Call History Report) but some days the report is late and other days the report is not deliver...