Overview An agent may report that the VoltDelta system is dropping all calls or throwing agents out of the queue when there are calls waiting (even after rebooting all of the equipment). Alternatively...
Overview You would like to request removal of users from certain report deliveries for VoltDelta. Solution Contact VoltDelta Support and provide the following information: User emails Report names <...
Overview You may notice that a user can't log in to FMB at all, while other users can, even on the same machine. FMB logs may show instances of The security token could not be authenticated or authori...
Overview After creating a new user you would like that user to have the same Dashboard and queues as another user and need help to get the new user configured. Solution View the AMS Management Roles o...
Overview An adviser is experiencing Floating Media Bar (FMB) log outs and silent calls while they are working. Solution This issue with FMB log outs and silent calls experienced by the advisor can b...
Overview A call that has a Call-End Reason of Call Abandoned even though the call destination responded with a DESTINATION_OUT_OF_ORDER. You expect the Call-End Reason to better reflect the response ...
Overview You may notice that a certain user cannot open the FMB application, as it closes shortly after opening. You may have already attempted a reinstall, without positive results. Solution Check if...
Overview You enquire as to whether there is a reason why you can only use your Volt Dashboard on Internet Explorer and not on another browser. You would like to know whether the Volt Delta portal is s...
Overview You may be wondering whether there is a way to force a password reset to each team's FMB accounts rather than resetting manually via the OMP. Information Unfortunately, this functionality is ...
Overview You have a list of calls that have a Call-End Reason of Undefined and you expect that the Call-End Reason should be Auto-Answer instead. Information The calls were correctly classified as Aut...