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Enabling Reporter Permissions for a User to Have Access to the Oasisoncall Dashboard


You need to have the Reporter role (permission) enabled on a given account (user). When access to the Oasisoncall dashboard is needed, the same role/permission needs to be enabled (assigned). 

If the user previously was not using the Oasis dashboard, after having the Reporter role assigned, she will be able to login into the portal with the same credentials that she had been using to log in to the FMB workstation.



You can change the role of the user on the OMP by following the steps below. Or you can create a ticket for our Support Team to have these steps executed for you.

  1. Go to Management  > User Management > User Profiles
  2. Search for the user, and click on the Username.


  3. The User Profile details will open in a new pop-up window.
  4. In the General section, look for the AMS User Role.
  5. Change it to Reporter.
  6. Click Save & Close in the upper left corner of the window to have your changes saved and the window closed.


  7. The user should be able to log in to the Dashboard.
  8. If the user faces an error on the Dashboard saying "Initialization Failed. Please restart", in that case, you will need to contact our Support Team to have the user's cached properties cleared from the system


After changing the role of a user by following the steps listed above, the ODSVC cache needs to be cleared following the steps described in the article Error: "Initialization Failed" When Accessing the Dashboards.




After changing the user's role and having our Support Team clear the user's cached properties from the system, the user should be able to log in to the Oasis dashboard having the Reporter role.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
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