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Why can I not use the observe function on Smart Station?


You are trying to use the observe function in Smart Station and are unable to use it to observe an agent. You may receive an error stating "Observe is no longer available for the rest of this session". Additionally, the observe button may disappear until Smart Station is restarted.


  1. Please confirm that the user attempting to use Smart Station has permission to use Observe.
  2. The list of agents in SmartStation is updated once in a minute. Please confirm you're not trying to observe an agent who was no longer logged in because the list was not up to date.
  3. If neither of the above was the cause, please create a new support ticket and provide the Smart Station logs for the user having trouble accessing the observe function. The Smart Station log files are named SST-*.xml and can be found in the "C:\Users\<Windows User>\AppData\Local\Volt Delta" directory.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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