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Error: "Error while uploading versions to the server" When Using Commit Function


After updating information on a QST system, you can encounter the following error when trying to use the Commit feature:

Error while uploading versions to the server


This article explains how to resolve this error to be able to use the Commit function again.



The Сommit function cannot be performed when there is an issue with the server. Please report this issue to the support team for further investigation.



As a workaround, you can restart the QST system.

All VDI products installed under the same object ID will be started and stopped when you run the scripts osa_start and osa_stop. Individual products can be started and stopped by running osa_start <product> and osa_stop <product>.

Please follow the steps below to restart a QST system that does not include other VDI products:

  1. One the affected server, navigate to the following directory:
  2. Run the following command to stop QST:
  3. Run the following command to start QST:
Note: It is not recommended to use the scripts qst_start and qst_stop in a production environment that includes several VDI products installed together.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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