You would like to add or remove users from one of your report's distribution lists and you need help to make the change.
Please open a Support ticket providing the email addresses and the report names that should be added, specifying the instructions (add or remove users). Request example to be used as guidance:
Case Overview by Account - FirstPort Bespoke - Today 9am - 10am"
Once the request is completed, a confirmation will be sent by a Support Agent.
<supportagent>Agents only: perform the actions described below in the Microsoft SQL Reporting Services Server, while connected to the VoltDelta VPN.
- Login to using Remote Desktop Protocol and HSEU domain credentials (VD Domain Controller, i.e.: HSEU\FirstName.SecondName).
- While in the MSRSS server via RDP: Open any browser (in RDP session), and navigate to: http://uk2-o11-lds365a/Reports/browse/
- Choose the appropriate customer name (i.e. TelecareAppello_MSCRM)
- Change View to List (top right).
- Choose CustomReports.
- Search for the report name you are looking for, i.e.: “Case Overview by Account - FirstPort Bespoke - Today 9am - 10am”.
- Right-click on the report, choose Manage.
- Click on subscription and click Edit.
- Under Delivery options (E-Mail), add or remove the email ids of the recipients as per the customer's request.
Once the request is completed, inform the customer of the changes you've made. Make sure to mention explicitly the email added and report(s) name(s).</supportagent>
Priyanka Bhotika