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Cancelling "Case Overview by Account" reports



You want to cancel one of your Case Overview by Account Reports.




Please raise a support ticket and include with it the following information: 

  • The exact name of the report that needs to be cancelled


Follow the steps given below to fulfill the request.

  1. Login to using Remote Desktop Protocol and HSEU domain credentials (VD Domain Controller, i.e.: HSEU\FirstName.SecondName).
  2. While in the MSRSS server via RDP: Open any browser (in RDP session), and navigate to: http://uk2-o11-lds365a/Reports/browse/
  3. From the options displayed, choose the customer's name (eg: TelecareAppello_MSCRM).
  4. Change View to List (top right).
  5. Choose CustomReports.
  6. Search for the report name you are looking for. Eg: “Case Overview by Account - FirstPort Bespoke - Today 9am - 10am”, and disable the report: 



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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
