After running the User Sessions Detail report you notice that some users have unusually large sessions of several hundred hours and you need to get the correct data in the report.
- You are a Volt Delta L2 Support Agent
- You are connected to the Volt Delta VPN
This issue can occur when sessions are not terminated properly. To resolve this issue please open a Support Ticket with a copy of the report that identifies the individuals that are affected.
The issue occurs when there are communication issues between IIS and the database on the CIS server which records when a user logs on but fails to record their logoff, causing the session to appear to continue. By comparing the data from the CIS servers in Acton and Slough the correct end time can be determined since one should be correct and the other should have the extended session. Apply the correct log off time to resolve the issue.
- Connect to the CIS servers in Acton and Slough
- Query the OASIS_UMIS database table nwl_t_UserSessionsHistoric for the users that have incorrect log off times
- Compare the log off times recorded in each server. One server should have the correct log off time and the other should have an excessively long session
- Use the correct log off time to update the record that has incorrect values
After syncing the log off values between CIS servers the report will no longer have excessive sessions being reported.
Priyanka Bhotika