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Site Not Receiving All Digits Of The Device Number When Dialing In


It may be the case that one of your whitelisted sites only receives the first N digits of the device number when dialing in. For example, when calling the site on 122333444, only the digits 1223334 are received. This article provides information to resolve this issue. 



This situation occurs when the configuration that is provided to the support team during a previous whitelist request only contains the first N digits that are appearing for the site. In the example above, this would occur because whitelisting was only requested for site 1223334@ip_address. To solve this issue, please contact support with the following details:

  • The full Site ID, including the missing digits
  • IP address
  • Site name

One of our agents will update the configuration to match all the digits.

Note: If you wish for the site to be configured with the last digits allowed to have variable values, mention this in the ticket as well. For instance, if you wish to allow the last two digits after 1223334 to be variable, specify the Site ID as 1223334xx@ip_address and the site will be configured accordingly. 

<supportagent>Agents can follow the steps in this article to re-configure the site </supportagent>

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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