Overview You may be expecting a period of heavy traffic coming up like the holidays for instance and would like to know if our systems can cater to this higher level of traffic. You may also need to k...
Overview This article explains what to do when you cannot receive or make outbound calls and the firewall connected to your dedicated fibreoptic has lost its connection to Volt Delta. This might show ...
Overview You have a firewall that restricts traffic from your network to the internet and would like to know what ports need to be configured to allow workstations in your network to connect to Volt D...
Overview You have agents who now have different IP addresses (eg. moved to a new office) than those previously configured to connect Volt Delta UK. You need those agents to connect and require these ...
Overview You are getting complaints that calls from TT92 devices are taking a long time to connect and be placed in the call queue. The calls from your TT92 devices are timing out after two minutes a...
Overview After an SBC Upgrade, all of your agents are either unable to log into or are experiencing intermittent freezes in FMB or Smartstation. This results in your agents not being able to make out...