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VoltDelta Germany: Glossary


This article lists the Terms and Acronyms most commonly used for VoltDelta.



Term Definition
ACP Console Provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that enables you to enter and edit configuration data that controls the ACP2000. With the ACP Console, you can remotely administer the ACP2000.
ACP Database Contains tables that store ACP2000 configuration information and tables that support call processing. The ACP database resides on the ACP server.
ACP Health Monitor

The ACP Health Monitor software monitors the ACP2000, DCNM, DLM, WSCP 2000, and X.25 Relay applications for errors malfunctions, and failures. Event messages created by the ACP Health Monitor appear in the ACP Console.

The ACP Health Monitor also sends event messages to a Server and Application Monitor (SAM) Agent.

ACP Server

Performs call processing functions.


Announcements played by the Voice Feature Node 3 for Call Distribution Server (VFN3-CDS) are composed of recorded vocal words or phrases called prompts. VFN3-CDS announcements can do any of the following:

  • Convey service provider information to the caller, such as the name of the telecommunications company the caller is using.
  • Request a response from a caller, such as selecting a language for the call.
  • Convey general information to the caller, such as a notification that the caller has entered an invalid response to a request for information.

Caller sessions on the VFN3-CDS often include more than one type of announcement. The VFN3-CDS application uses a scripting language to control both the playing of the announcements and the interaction with the caller.

Call Match (IVR)

The CallMatch feature in Content Manager is used to configure the Enterprise Call Match feature operation. The IVR application
containing the CallMatch feature sends an initialization request for caller information to the Enterprise Databus software. The IVR application then sends a request containing the calling number to the CallMatch Service. CallMatch searches an LSSiDATA database to retrieve information about the caller and then provides the results to the Databus. The Databus stores the information for use during the call.

Note: The CallMatch feature is available if it is included in the IVR application. Feature configuration and operation requires a Call Match Key that authorizes access to customer information.

Call Recording (IVR)

The call recording feature determines whether calls are recorded and saved on a server for later review.

Note: The call recording feature is available if it is included in the IVR application. Additionally, VoltDelta must configure this feature in the Delta On-Call processing software settings.

Call Recording Management

Service used to housekeep audio and video recording files and processes the video recording files

Call Recording Presentation (CRP)

Uses Call Recording Data service to retrieve the information from the database(s).

Call Information Server (CIS)

The Call Information Server hosts the Call Information (UMIS) & Dynamic Reporting databases for the system. The Call Information Server receives data from the Call Distribution Systems.

CIS Data Receiver

CIS Data Receiver gets UMIS data from the CDS (CCDI/TCP) and MSMQ.
<USER-ACC> is the user account under which the service runs (the service should run under the OASIS-CIS-Service user account).


Call Screening Server calculates call treatment values and determines if a DA query is either local or long distance for the caller.

Call treatment values determine specific services, such as a customized announcement, based on call characteristics, such as the trunk group that the call arrived on.

The CSS performs the following functions:

  • Calculates call treatment values that are used by various system components throughout the call.
  • Determines the Locality Search Area (LSA) of the calling number for use throughout the call.
  • Determines if a DA query is local, regional, or national for the caller.
  • Stores and updates personalization data. Personalization options include the caller’s preferred language and call completion option.

The CSS is typically located at the data operations center or the VoltDelta Hosted Solutions data center.

Connect Express

Provides switching services and a voice-over-IP-based automatic call distribution (ACD) system.

Content Manager (IVR)

DeltaDialog Content Manager provides the ability to modify the
configurable content of Interactive Voice Response (IVR) applications created by VoltDelta.

DeltaACD 2.0

DeltaACD 2.0 is a VoltDelta-hosted platform within which call and message distribution and management applications run. This platform provides the hardware, software, and networking capabilities required to run voice applications.

The Content Manager application editor is an example of an application that runs within the DeltaACD 2.0 platform.


Database Change Notification Manager receives notifications of insertions, updates, and deletions to the ACP database and the Device Location Manager (DLM) database.


DeltaCheck is a VoltDelta web-based application that allows customers to create and edit telephone surveys from start to finish conveniently.

Once a survey is activated, it is available for callers to use.

With DeltaCheck, customers can easily select, change, and resequence the questions for a survey at any time. They can record audio prompts for the survey questions and upload them to the VoltDelta server to use in surveys.

DeltaCheck captures caller responses to surveys in either speech or DTMF format and compiles the responses into a set of viewable reports. In these reports, a graphical overview is accompanied by detailed information on each call. All evaluations can be compiled online, or the data can be downloaded in a specified format.

DeltaCast Outbound Campaigns

An outbound campaign is an application that, for commercial purposes, automatically calls telephone numbers of contacts, plays a series of audio announcements to each customer, and accepts input from the persons contacted.


Provides national directory assistance listing data. DirectoryExpress is the most-used and highest-quality national telephone listing database with over 150 million U.S., Canadian, Puerto Rican, and toll-free listings.

DirectoryExpress White Pages

White Pages databases

The White Pages databases contain listing records that include

telephone numbers, names, and addresses for businesses, residences, and government agencies.


Device Location Manager acts as a repository of process and device information. Processes and devices for which information is stored in the DLM include the ACP2000s, switches, switch links, operator workstations, and VFNs. Some processes and devices automatically register with the DLM. The DLM resides on a separate DLM server.

DLM Database

Device Location Manager Database contains tables that store the identifier, Internet Protocol (IP) address, and other characteristics of processes and devices in the network. The DLM database resides in the DLM server.


Digital Multiplex System

In systems that include a DMS-TOPS switch, the OGS, and the DMS-TOPS switch exchange Open Automated Protocol (OAP) data. When a call arrives at SXP, the VFN3 performs branding, caller preferences, and service selection. The call is then connected to an ASR provider.

When the ASR identifies one or more listings, the listings are sent to the ACP for the announcement by VFNs.

If the ASR provider cannot identify listings to announce automatically, the call is forwarded to the DMS-TOPS for Operator assistance if a call results in an n-Best list that exceeds the size configured for the ERG-Host, the ERG-Host stores the n-Best listing data in its local disk.

An n-Best list is a group of automatically retrieved listings that possibly match a caller’s request.

After the Operator releases listings for the audio announcement, a VFN connected to the DMS-TOPS switch announces the number. The DMS-TOPS switch performs call completion.


The Delta Operator Service System (DOSS) components for the ERG-Host server are described as

  • ACP (Announcement Control Process) - Set of routines that communicates with the ERG-Host server. The ACP receives information from the ASR provider via the ERG-Host server. For fully automated calls using the DMS-TOPS switch, the ACP sends the information directly to the VFN for listing announcement. For partially automated calls, the ACP sends the information to an operator workstation.
  • Operator Workstation - Windows workstation that services partially automated and non-automated calls. When a call is connected to the Operator workstation, the whisper (if available) is played to an Operator. The Operator listens to the whisper, performs listing retrieval, and then releases the call to the VFN for listing announcement. The typical SXP network uses Liberty and Freedom workstations.
  • SCN (Service Control Node) - Tandem computer that houses the ACP. The SCN provides various DA services in a DOSS legacy Environment.
ENVOX Voice Response (EVR)

The ENVOX Voice Response system provides VXML Browser capabilities and can also logically hosts Classic Envox Scripts coupled with the ENVOX CCI Dll. 

This server can be deployed as a shared VXML Browser or as a legacy server for applications such as Survey. Survey can only be run on one Organisation, however.

ERG-Host Server

The External Recognition Gateway Host Server (ERG-Host server) provides the following functions:

  • Provides communication between the primary components of the SXP system, such as the CDS, ACP, CSS, VFN3, and Operator workstation.

  • Uses the call type value associated with the call to determine the proper call flow for each tenant for Hosted Solutions systems.

  • Receives call information, including call determinants, from the CDS (which received the information from the OGS).

  • Receives call treatments from the CSS.

  • Directs the VFN3-AUTO2 to solicit a locality response from the caller. This request is passed from the VFN3-AUTO2 to the ASR.

The ASR prompts the caller for a locality. If the locality is recognized, the VFN3-AUTO2 solicits a listing response from the caller.

  • Provides the interface between the VFN3-AUTO2 and the ACP.

The ASR passes a message to the ERG-Host specifying whether the call can be fully automated or must be transferred to an Operator.

ERG Server

External Recognition Gateway Server communicates with the CDS for call control, receives call information from the CDS, and provides the interface between SXP and the DOSS system.


FreedomStation is VoltDelta’s operator workstation, used to retrieve listing or other types of information from a database.

The database can be part of the customer’s proprietary system or can be part of VoltDelta’s Hosted Solutions system.

The FreedomStation operator workstation is part of a larger system that is composed of linked computer components and a digital switch. The various system components can be located at an Operator Services Center (OSC), at the switch site, or within the VoltDelta Hosted Solutions system. The FreedomStation itself is typically located at an OSC.

The following system components are important to the optimal functioning of the FreedomStation within the operator services environment:

  • Operator workstation with FreedomStation software
  • Digital switch (can be either of the following types):
  • ConnectExpress
  • Genband DMS TOPS, TDM or IP configuration
  • Workstation Support Service (WSS)
  • Local Support Server (LSS)
  • Call Screening Server (CSS)
  • SpeechExpress or third-party call automation components
  • Database for information lookup
  • Voice Feature Node for DA Delivery 3 (VFN3-DA Delivery)
  • Statistics Tracking and Reporting (STAR)
FreedomStation Operator Workstation

To process calls, operators sit at personal computers installed with FreedomStation software. FreedomStation software provides the voice and data communication paths that enable the operator to communicate with the switch, the caller, the listing or information databases, and the computer that performs call processing.


Windows service used on multiple platforms to publish configuration and binary files from AMS2 organizations to other servers. Note the following about the File Publication Subscription Service (FPSS):

  • Ensure that the service is set to restart automatically.
  • Ensure that the FPSS on the CSA-MMR/CCS/ERG is subscribed to the publications “systemcatalogue” and “own Business unit” CRM.

The Information Delivery Gateway (IDG) server is a server application that receives data from a client, such as an operator workstation or Voice Feature Node (VFN), and transfers the data to a customer-supplied Short Message Service Center (SMSC) server or customer gateway server (VPGS). The SMSC server then forwards the message to a caller’s Short Message Service (SMS)-enabled cellular telephone. Navigational instructions, if requested, are also forwarded to the caller’s cellular telephone if the telephone supports the service.

The IDG server functions in the Delta Operator Services System (DOSS), Directory One, and Directory Assistance Automation (DAA) systems.

The IDG server can support the following services:

  • SMS text messaging only.
  • Navigation service only.

Note: The IDG server does not support navigation requests from Directory One clients.

  • SMS text messaging and navigation service together. The IDG server processes the two request types separately.

iExpress Services (Directory Assistance)

iExpress services enable operators to provide callers with other kinds of information besides those available through traditional White Page DA services.

Provides enhanced services, such as Business Category Search, Movie Listings, and Sports Scores.

  • Airport Delay Reports
  • Driving Directions
  • Horoscopes
  • Movie Listings
  • Handling Late-Night Show Times
  • Ski Reports
  • Sports Scores
  • Stock Quotes
  • Weather Reports


Intercept service provides a caller with assistance when the number reached is unassigned, not in service, disconnected, suspended, or changed. The caller might hear a recorded announcement providing information on the status of the number or of the number change. In addition, the caller might be automatically forwarded to the referral number.


Automated Toll Application


Intercept Search Servers accesses a local Intercept Database (INDB) to service intercept call processing requests from the ACP2000.


The Interactive Voice Subsystem (IVS) is an audio platform that is able to compile and process information during direct interaction with a caller. It provides audio announcements to callers and also permits interaction with callers, including playing back recorded information, detecting input from touch-tone telephones, and recognizing speech.


Typically, a Local Support Server (LSS) is located at the OSC. The LSS provides the following capabilities for a group of operator workstations:

  • Manages the transfer of support files to FreedomStations.

Examples of support files are the Call Treatment Options (CTROPT) file and workstation settings (SYSOPTS) file.

  • Manages the distribution of Broadcast Messages and the

Messages of the Day. Messages are created on the AWS or WSS.

The LSS transfers the message files to the operator workstation at logon. During a logon session, the operator workstation periodically checks the LSS for new messages.

  • Acts as a print server for printing operator workstation screens.
  • Functions as a central storage unit for software required by operator workstations. Such software includes the display, network, and sound drivers for all FreedomStations within the LSS domain, as well as FreedomStation installation program files and FreedomStation site data files. If the network includes a WSS, FreedomStation remote update capability can be initiated at the WSS and automatically executed by selected FreedomStations.

MonitorAnnc (IVR)

The MonitorAnnc feature defines the audio that is played to the caller to let the caller know that the call might be monitored or recorded.

Note: The MonitorAnnc feature is available if it is included in the IVR application. Additionally, the call recording feature must be enabled.

N-Best List (Directory Assistance)

The N-Best list is a display of automatically retrieved listings that possibly match a caller’s request. As part of a SpeechExpress system, N-Best listings are retrieved automatically in response to a caller’s recorded listing request. If the automatic retrieval results in multiple listings that might satisfy the caller’s request, these listings form the N-Best list that is sent from SpeechExpress to the FreedomStation. Your system might or might not be configured to include an SNF recording, if available, with the N-Best list.

OAM Shell

The Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) Shell menu allows users to manage, monitor, and maintain applications.

The Shell Configuration application resides on a Microsoft Windows server, referred to as the OAM Application Deployment server. The Shell Configuration resides in a Structured Query Language (SQL) database on the Shell Deployment server. Within a node, the Shell Configuration database is replicated between OAM Application Deployment servers.


OAP Gateway Server provides the data interface between the DMS-200 switch and the SXP system.

OnDemand Solutions

VoltDelta OnDemand is a VoltDelta-hosted platform within which call and message distribution and management applications run.

This platform provides hardware, software, and networking capabilities required to run applications.

Profile Publication Service

Service used to publish AMS2 data to the LDSs/CISs-<ORG>.

Personalization (IVR)

The Personalization feature in Content Manager is used to configure the Personalization feature operation. The IVR application containing the Personalization feature sends an initialization request for caller information to the Databus software. The IVR application then sends a request containing the calling number to the Personalization Service.

The Personalization Service searches the Personalization database to retrieve information about the caller’s preferences and then provides the results to the Databus. The Databus stores the information for use during the call.

PlayAnnc (IVR)

The PlayAnnc feature defines the audio that is played to the caller during the IVR call flow.

Note: The PlayAnnc feature is available if it is included in the IVR application.

SAG (Speech Express Audio Gateway)

Provides communication between the Centralized Audio system and the ACP2000.

The SAG routes back-end announcement requests and response messages between an ACP2000 and a VFN3-Internet Protocol (VFN3-IP) for Centralized Audio server. Back-end announcements include the announcements that play and the processing that occurs when the system delivers listing information to the caller.


SAM is a proprietary program that monitors applications and servers in the network.

The SAM system provides failure alerts to a Network Operations Center (NOC).

The SAM application includes the following main components:

  • SAM Center
  • SAM Console
  • SAM Manager
  • SAM Agent

SAS log containing all user agent events for ClickOnce users. So for example logon, logoff, call handling performed at operator position etc.

SBC (Session Border Controller)

Session Border Controller (SBC) is a network function that secures voice over IP (VoIP) infrastructures while providing interworking between incompatible signaling messages and media flows (sessions) from end devices or application servers. SBCs are employed in Enterprise infrastructures or any carrier network delivering commercial residential, business, fixed-line, or mobile VoIP services.

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)

signaling protocol used for initiating, maintaining, and terminating real-time sessions that include voice, video, and messaging applications.

SNF (Directory Assistance)

The Store and Forward (SNF) feature automates the process of obtaining white page listing requests from callers. Instead of speaking directly with a caller, you listen to a recording of the caller speaking the listing request. Generally, you can service calls faster because you do not need to ask callers for the listing request.


SpeechExpress (SPX) is a customizable and modularized software product that enhances the delivery of information to callers by automating some or all Operator functions. For example, depending upon the SXP features that your site purchased, SXP can automatically prompt a caller for a directory assistance (DA) listing, retrieve the listing, and send the listing for the automatic announcement, all without operator intervention.


The STAR server provides storage and reporting of operator workstation statistics. The STAR server is typically located at the VoltDelta Hosted Solutions system data center, with reporting capabilities available through OAM Shell access.

The Statistics Tracking and Reporting (STAR) subsystem is a decision support system that provides detailed information about calls handled, searches performed, and keystrokes used by operators, groups, and Operator Services Centers (OSCs). Report data is stored in the Decision Support System (DSS) OPERSTAT database.

TableData (IVR)

The TableData feature allows the configuration of variable data values for the call flow. Application IDs associated with the TableData feature provide the data needed for specific parts of the call flow. All initial table data is defined by VoltDelta in the original XML application data file.

Toll And Assist Services (Directory Assistance)

The following types of Toll and Assist services are available upon request. The user interface is different, depending on whether the FreedomStation is connected to a DMS TOPS switch or a ConnectExpress switch.

  • Caller assistance - Enables the operator to access reference information, such as emergency numbers, calling rates, place name conversions, and more.
  • Toll - Enables the operator to view and change the billing for the current call.

Toll and Assist services are available on the FreedomStation for use with different digital switching systems. The FreedomStation name changes to indicate the switching system used and the type of Toll and Assist software:

  • FreedomStation CX - For ConnectExpress systems, Toll and Assist services are provided using the LiveOp operator interface.
  • FreedomStation DX - For Genband DMS TOPS systems, Toll and Assist services are provided using the IWS/MWS-type Toll application.


TollExpress uses a software application that reads completed telephone call information from the telephone switch and then calculates the charges for the call.

TollExpress uses carrier-defined tariff information and rating parameters to rate each call. TollExpress also provisions the operator services branding and other carrier-specific properties, such as allowed billing methods and automated operator settings relative to transfer to the live operator.

  • Call Rating process - A group of database tables that contain the data relationships necessary to perform the actual calculation of the charge for a call. You use the Call Rating Administration application to maintain the Call Rating Process database tables.
  • Call Rating administration - The call rating database administrative application is called the Rating Admin application and is installed on a personal computer. The Rating Admin application lets you add, delete, and change administrative information. You can also use the application to view rate information for calls between two telephone numbers.

TransferAnnc (IVR)

The TransferAnnc feature defines the audio that is played to the caller to let the caller know that the call is being transferred.

Additionally, an announcement can be selected to play the estimated amount of time until an agent is available.

Note: The TransferAnnc feature is available if it is included in the IVR application.

For the TransferAnnc feature, you must specify an audio file to play.

Optionally, you can specify Text-To-Speech (TTS) text to play to the caller if the audio file is unavailable.

X.25 Relay Server

Acts as a TCP/IP-to-X.25 protocol converter between the ACP2000 and the DMS-200 TOPS switch.


The VFN3-AUTO2 is used within the VoltDelta Hosted Solutions system. The Hosted Solutions system enables telephone companies and service providers to connect to a centralized VoltDelta Hosting Center to provide directory information services to callers. Using Hosted Solutions, service providers, called tenants, can offer high-quality operator services with a minimum of up-front expense.

The VFN3-AUTO2 is a system of software and hardware elements within the VoltDelta Hosted Solutions system that does the following:

  • Greets callers
  • Offers callers a choice of language to use during the call
  • Offers callers a choice of services
  • Plays a whisper file to the operator

The VFN3-CDS is a member of the SpeechExpress family of products.

SpeechExpress is the VoltDela automated directory assistance (DA) system. The VFN3-CDS communicates with the Call Distribution Server/Media Gateway Server (CDS/MGS) switch in an environment called the ConnectExpress switching platform; The VFN3-CDS plays recorded announcements to callers.


The Voice Feature Node 3 for Release to Audio (VFN3RelToAudio) provides services, such as the playing of announcements, recognition of vocal input from callers, and automatic completion of calls. The VFN3RelToAudio communicates with the Call Distribution Server/Media Gateway Server (CDS/MGS) switch in an environment called the ConnectExpress switching platform.


watchdog timer (sometimes called a computer operating properly or COP timer, or simply a watchdog) is an electronic or software timer that is used to detect and recover from computer malfunctions.

White Page Services (Directory Assistance)

White Page searches are used to retrieve telephone numbers, addresses, and zip codes for residence, business, and government listings. A local, regional, or national database can be used.

WhisperService Language (IVR)

The WhisperServiceLanguage feature defines the audio that is played to the agent before the caller is connected with the agent, including the following:

  • Call arrival tone - Tone indicating to the agent that a call is arriving at the position.
  • Call join tone - Tone indicating to the agent that the caller is about to be connected to the agent.
  • Service - Service provided on the call.
  • Language - Language of the caller, whispered in the agent’s language.
WSCP 2000 (Workstation Control Process)

Supports legacy hardware, such as the VFN I and VFN II, by providing a service for the hardware to register with the DLM. If a VFN I or VFN II is not in the configuration, the WSCP 2000 is not used.

WSS (Workstation Support Service)

The WSS is used within the VoltDelta Hosted Solutions system to support customer workstations at specified Operator Service Centers (OSC). However, if desired, the WSS can also be part of a proprietary customer network located at the OSC or elsewhere in the network.

The WSS provides the following services to support the FreedomStation:

  • Maintenance of workstation and operator support data - The WSS application enables administrators to create, maintain, and update operator profile data and workstation profile data, using a graphical user interface. Additionally, administrators can create and distribute Broadcast Messages and Messages of the Day using the WSS. The WSS user interface, which is typically accessed through the Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) Shell, provides an easy way for administrators to manage workstation files, which are stored in Structured Query Language (SQL) database tables and other types of files on each server where WSS is installed.
  • Transfer of support files to LSSs and CSSs - When workstation support files are changed, they must be transferred to the Local Support Servers (LSSs) and Call Screening Servers (CSS) on the network, where workstations and other system components can access the files. The WSS user interface provides a graphic user interface to perform transfer functions.
  • Remote FreedomStation update - FreedomStation software updates can be initiated and administered at the WSS and automatically executed by specified FreedomStations. The WSS user interface enables the administrator to select the FreedomStations that will receive the software update.
  • Call treatment maintenance - The WSS is used to update SpeechExpress and workstation call treatments. Call treatments are used to control the call flow and services provided for automated and operator-assisted directory assistance calls.
  • Logon Service - WSS includes a Web service that provides information to the FreedomStation. At various times, the FreedomStation queries the Logon service, and the Logon service responds by providing the information required.

The following are requests that the workstation makes of the logon service:

  • Workstation bootup - At bootup, the workstation provides the workstation hostname in its query and requests information on the position ID and host ID from the profile record for that workstation.
  • Operator logon - At operator logon, the workstation provides the operator’s user name, password, the workstation name, host ID, and position ID in its query and requests information on the operator profile data for that operator. The logon service validates that the user name and password information, as provided by the operator, match a single record in the operator profile table. If a match of user name or password is not found, logon is not allowed. If several consecutive logon requests fail due to mismatch of the user name or password, new logon requests are denied for a period of time. In addition to validating the operator’s credentials, the workstation is validated, and the operator is recorded as being logged on at the workstation.
  • Operator logoff - At operator logoff, similar processing occurs as at operator logon. The response clears the operator’s logon status, which allows the operator to log on at another time or at another workstation.
  • Generation info - The workstation can request information on the best and second-best file generations to use for various types of files, including FreedomStation software update files.
  • Client info - The workstation (the client) can send information regarding generations in use on that client. The WSS Web Service then records the generations in use by the client.
  • Logon Security Breach - If the operator tries several times in succession to log on to the workstation and fails (the default maximum number of successive attempts is three), the workstation can send a Logon Security Breach request to the WSS Web Service, which denies further logon attempts for a period of time.


Acronym Definition


Announcement Control Process


Active Directory Services


Automated Speech Recognition

BCS The Business Category Search (BCS) system provides business Directory Assistance (DA) information.

Centralized Audio Administration System


Call Treatment


Content Control Information


Call Control Service


Call Distribution Server (Controls the MGS switch and communicates with the ERG server to perform call control)


Call Information Server


Call Processing Interface


Call Recording Presentation


Call Service Agent Multi-Media Router


Decision Support System


Enhanced Directory Assistance Application


Interactive Voice Response


Multi-channel Gateway


Media Gateway Server switch


Multi-Media Router


Mobile Switching Center


Network Operations Center


Open Automated Protocol


Operator and Agent Services Integration System


OASIS Data Service Web Application


Profile Publication Service


Right Now Connection Interface


Session Border Controller


Service Control and Management Service


Session Initiation Protocol


Short Message Service Center


Self-Service Directory Assistance


Voice Feature Node 3 for Text-to-Speech


WorkStation Server


Choose files or drag and drop files
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